International anti-poisoning „ANTIDOTO” Life+ conference in Italy

2013 októberében rendezték meg az olaszországi Gran Sasso - Monti della Laga Nemzeti Parkban az ANTIDOTO Life+ projekt két napos záró konferenciája. Az Olaszország és Spanyolország között létrejött természetvédelmi program fő célja az illegálisan használt mérgek, vegyszerek használatának visszaszorítása, ami a legnagyobb fenyegetést jelenti az Európában élő emlős nagyragadozókra és ragadozómadarakra.

Gamekeepers place out poisoned baits to protect their domestic animals, however, those do not spare neither protected carnivores (bear, wolf) nor raptors (mainly vultures). Within the framework of the project, a special team armed with five dogs was established to find such baits and help investigations. We copied this method and have been using it successfully in the “Conservation of Imperial Eagles in Hungary” HELICON LIFE+ programme since then.

On the first day of the conference, people who attended the conference could hear lectures about the results achieved by the programme. Hungary was represented by Gábor Deák MME’S anti-poisoning coordinator and Tibor Juhász ranger at the Hortobágyi National Park, who also had a presentation about the achievements of HELICON LIFE+ programme. The second day was spent in the field in the picturesque Gran Sasso National Park. During the dog show, participants could get a glimpse of the dangerous life of the search dogs.

Tibor Juhász’ lecture (Photo: Gábor Deák).

Participants of the conference in the field day, ...

... dog show was part of the event (Photos: Tibor Juhász).


In the spirit of international cooperation, an investigator of the Italian Nature Conservation Police arrived in Hungary to meet the anti-poisoning crew of HELICON LIFE+


Gábor Deák

Originals Campus

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