Volunteers needed for guarding Imperial Eagles’ nests (from May 11th through August 1st 2014)!

MME, in collaboration with the Hortobágyi, Bükki and Körös-Maros National Park Directorates, has announced its action of nest guarding again this year, in certain SPAs, within the framework of HELICON LIFE+ project.

It serves a two-fold purpose. First of all, we have to protect the Hungarian breeding population of the Globally Threatened Eastern Imperial Eagle, which is also strictly protected by national legislation, from human disturbance or even bird crime. If volunteer nest guards notice any disturbance, they should call the associates, working in the conservation project, who would make further steps needed. Besides this, constant observations provide important data in relation to the breeding behaviour of the Eagles.

Nest guards (Photo: Imre Fatér)


About nest guarding
Volunteers are accommodated in tents about 1 km from the nest, which is close enough  to follow the life of the pair through telescopes, but far enough not to disturb their daily routine. We provide all the equipment; however, one can bring his own gear too.


Number of staff
Volunteers would change each other weekly, however, people who would stay longer, are preferred. There must be at least 2 and maximum 3-4 persons at each site.  Nevertheless, it may be different in the Jászság area, where two nests will be guarded at the same time. Best is to volunteer with friends, but not a problem if alone, since there is an opportunity to make friends during the stint.


We cannot cover expenses of transportation; however, we have a gift for each volunteer. Of course, we take the nest guards to their base from the meeting point (railway station, bus station). If someone arrives by own transportation, we can arrange another rendezvous point, as required.


We enter into a contract with the volunteer, which describes the tasks, rules, list of equipment provided, the issues of data service, confidentiality and their own responsibility. We can give a certificate for students, if their institutions accept it, or if it is needed for other reasons.


Room and board
The basecamp is nomadic. We provide tent, mattress, bicycle, gas-stove, cooking pots, dishes and silverware. There is also a shower and toilet in the camp. One has to bring his own sleeping bag, however.

Basic provision of food is available, if you need anything extra, bring it! Where it is possible, we arrange hot food five times a week. One can use the bicycles to get supplies from the villages nearby, or we can also help occasionally.


Daily work schedule
Guarding should be done from dawn till dusk, preferably in two-hour shifts. At least one person should be in the guard all the time; the others can rest, or do shopping etc.


Guarding sites and related meeting points

  • Jászsági SPA (HUHN10005) – Jászberény
  • Hevesi-sík SPA (HUBN10004) – Füzesabony or Kál
  • Dévaványai-sík SPA (HUKM10003) – Kisújszállás or Gyomaendrőd
  • Közép-Tisza SPA (HUHN10004) – Szolnok or Törökszentmiklós

The order above means the order of assigning people to a site. We will discuss with the participants about any rearrangements, if the situation requires that.


Nest guarding turns, dates

  1. April 11th–18th.
  2. April 18th–25th.
  3. April 25th–May 2nd
  4. May 2nd –9th.
  5. May 9th–16th
  6. May 16th–23rd
  7. May 23rd–30th
  8. May 23rd –June 6th
  9. June 6th –13th
  10. June 13th–20th
  11. June 20th–27th
  12. June 27th–July 4th
  13. July 4th –11th
  14. July 11th–18th
  15. July 18th–25th
  16. July 25th–August 1st


How to apply
One can apply via email here: fater.imre@mme.hu. Make sure you specify the SPA and the turn of your choice and contact information (name, email, phone number)

Please take into account the above mentioned order of filling up, of course travelling distance can be a factor, too.

We will send you a confirmation and call you before the turn starts.


Further information
Imre Fatér: fater.imre@mme.hu, tel.: +36-30/445-6856


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